Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A post. You should be excited.

I'm bock. In my witty itty mini blog. How fun is that?

Well, I'll go off ranting and then we can see which subject I can stick to.

Kk, Well, I'm sick... Does that count? And yesterday me and my dad were at Five Guys (THE BEST PLACE IN TEH WORLDAVERSE), and I was like, "It amazes me how stupid people are." Sounds like me =P

But I was talking about how I was talking to someone about (abundance) how people didn't want to have children all of a sudden, which is kinda weird, and they were like "It'll ruin my body!!!" And she went off ranting, and I was like "Well, you'd be giving birth to this wonderful bundle of life. I mean, if your mom hadn't gotten pregnant, you wouldn't BE here." And her *RETALLIATION!* reaction was "Well, you end up with this money/resource absorbing ball of fat the just eats and poops." To which I said "Well, you were like that also!" and she was *ANGERNESS!* like, "And I know, and I've been trying to make up for it and I feel guilty about it ever since."


Well, what I don't see is how one can feel guilty about something they did when they 1) Didn't know any better, 2) Were only slightly self-aware of all their actions, and 3) Was a ball of fat that only took up resources and ate and pooped. I mean, it's not like it's your fault for being so dumb and needy, you're some little ball of fat (more abundance) that just eats and poops! Ugh. It angers me. *is a ball of fat* Pwese weave comments down bewowwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, to extend the length of this blog, let's get on another rant-y subject.

FACEBOOK! I lurvle Facebook! Akai, Akai, Akai (That means okay), So, Like, I got like, a Facebook. After hating it for DECADES ON END, I finally gave in. And I'm old enough to (Hahahahahahaa, not like I wasn't

Suspicious, right?)
...also. EPICNESS.

Facebook, I've realized, doesn't actual repsresent what a "group of friends" really is though, because if you like, comment on people's status too much, or play games and publish them, or go to these apps that annoy people, they are annoyed, and that can't really happen in real life. Sites like Facebook or Twitter are changing the way people look at friendship/communication in general, because it gives people more stuff to talk about, and humans weren't really designed to talk about stuff like that. Or any living thing wasn't designed to like that (That didn't make any grammatical sense...). It's almost like a loose end, technology.

Oh, NO! Not a technology rant! *withstands the will* Okay, nevermind.

Well, I guess I've taken up enough space on this page for now (I guess, maybe?). I'll try to update this blog more, but sometimes it's tough. All of my non-followers are lucky that I'm sick. COMMENT!!

You're fowevah,

-Teh Alexzorz

PS- Beccerbear is awesome.

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