Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Heart-full of Love, or a Body-full of Love?

HOLY SHIZZ I AM SICK! Actually, I only have a cold, but I was wicked tired and didn't get any sleep and was/is highly contagious, so I stayed home. Awesomeness, really. So now I am sitting here, bored, eating Deli-Fresh Turkey from the container and occasionally feeding some to my dog (who just walked away because I wasn't feeding him any). Quite boring really. And then I realized, "OMG I have a blog and a Twitter and a Nerdfighter's page! Why am I so bored?" So I updated my Twitter and no Nerdfighters were talking, so I decided to update my blog.

And here I am now! Amazing, right? I was just reading someone else's collab blog actually, and it was this forward that I had actually gotten on my phone a few months ago. It's the one that says:

id you know kissing is good for you?

Did you know that ALL guys love it when girls wear their jackets?

Did you know that only a bf/gf will cry in front of you?

Did you know that girls love it when you hug them around the waist?

Did you know that guys think it is cute when you mess up in front of them?

And so on and so forth. And it was interesting because this person says that those are right. And I was reading, and most of these are girls trying to flirt with you, and a lot are just weird forward facts. But I also thought, is this how girls think? Because as EVERYBODY in the worldaverse knows, guys have absolutely no idea how girls think. And this gave me a hint.

Now that I delve deeper into this, all girls don't think the same way. Is this the way that the "girly-girls" think, the ones that swear a lot and want love, but replace love with physical-ness (physical-ness??) because that's what they think will give them love? Is that how they think? And then there are some girls who understand better, who know that romance and emotion are the real love. The two are very very very VERY VERY VERY different things. Which would YOU prefer? Waking up and knowing that you have a girl/guy that loves you, or waking up and knowing that your girl/boyfriend will give you love if you touch them and stuffz (YOUKNOWWHATIMEAN DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME)?

Personally, I prefer the first. Because that just feels a lot better. To me. I don't know about you, because I don't stalk you.

Or do I...?


Suspicious, right?

Wow, I can even incorporate that into an odd love-filled conversation (with myself?) like this one. That's sad =D. But the point is, love is not immediate physical affection, it's being able to put up with love without the physical affection. It comes when you're ready, and some people are more ready then others. But it won't always come when necessary nowadays. Which is the problem.

Well, think on the bright side, at least you won't have to get set up with a marriage unwillingly, like you had to way back when!

Well, all of that deepness brings me to the question: Which do you prefer? And what do you think all-together about love?

Forever yours,


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