Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Guy-hott and Girl-hott? What's the difference?

I know what the difference is! Girls get to be sexy! Wait, do guys get to be sexy also? That would be odd.

Okay, on a more direct not to the subject above for this epic blog of epic epicness, me and my buddy Alice were talking about very awkward things, for example, what makes a guy hot and a girl hot. And she asked me, "Like girl-hot... but a dude.... like super ... handsome. I guess." Yes, she is a very ....-y one, but how does that work? Do guys have *thinking of a serious way to put it* I can't think of any serious way to put it *can't think of any serious way to put it* If you couldn't tell from the asterisks. But for all those guys out there, you can complete my sentence. Do guys have--- Yah. Because they don't!

Now, to delve even deeps into this awkward (VERY) awkward conversation (with myself, again *sigh*), what do guys think makes a girl hot? Is it the figure? That's sexiness and hottness. So then what's cute? Their face? HAHA! EUREKA! One who thinks someone is cute: They are easy too look at straight in the eye. One who thinks another is hott: It are much to easy to look at THEIR WHOLE BODY. *not awkward at all*

SO if that's so, now that I've pointed that out, would me calling a girl cute be an insult to them? Would they be like, "UH! I'm so insulted! You don't like my figure? Is it not cervical enough??" Or would they appreciative ones be like all blushy and make them even cuter? And really, when guys say cute girls look even cuter when they're angry; IT'S TRUE. Get over it, ladies. You can't get mad at a guy without slapping them, or they'll start laughing =P It's true.

I mean really, this blog isn't supposed to be about girls. And guys. And their UH-UH "wants and needs," as Dylan so kindly puts it.

But it seems to be?

<.< Suspicious right? Anyhoosle. WOW I'm a genius. I should make a random outburst of that in school. "Excuse me, I'd like to just say a little thing to the class for a moment; Suspicious, right?"And then just sit down. Besides, when I say that it makes the post look big and it makes me look smart. >.> I just revealed my secrets...

AND on the topic of teens being incredibly confused about their UH-UH wants and needs, I was incredibly happy/even more confused today. I'm not gonna tell you why because that would be very weird. Like, yah. Aaaaaand I got to skip a lot of classes because of state testing. YOU HEAR THAT KIDS? It's learning time!

Be absent in state testing when you get into Junior High and High School. You will then be able to SKIP other classes the next week, therefore allowing you to get away with... um. Nothing. >.> Because I always do all my homework... DON'T JUDGE ME! Also, I'm not sure why, but I'm particularly spazzy today. I'm usually not spazzy. But I am. I woooooooooooonder whyyyyyyyyyy.... ((DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN *thunder claps, little girls screaming*)) hardyharharhar.

Actually, I have to keep talking about the subject, because that's one of my "rules." Because I love rules that much *sarcasm*. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SARCASM IS YOU'RE A SNOTTY TISSUE. That's my new thing, a snotty tissue.

Now to CUT OUT all of these very very very very short paragraphs, what makes a guy hott? Looking on the covers of magazines, there seems to be many sides to girls calling guys hott. Like Johnny Depp is the sexiest man alive? *shudders* Well there seems to be a pattern; stubbly beard, big abs, no distortions in the face. *shudders again* Glad I got that part over with. Anyway, that is who all the girls drool over. Is that any the same as what guys feel makes a girl good-looking? Leave your answers to all of these beautiful beautiful questions, down BELOW, whoever reads me blog ((no one)). I'm always gonna remind myself that. And also, to anyone who's generous enough, give me some ideas for the blogs I write, because I can't think of everything to cover.

Let's talk more about this luvvy duvvy stuff - LatAR. Until then-

Just for You,


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