Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Spooky Post

Well, it's that time of year. Everyone else has already posted multiple posts on their blog about the infamous holiday: Halloween.

Halloween isn't one of my favorite things to write about, but I love Halloween itself. The one thing about Halloween is that if you don't get invited to a party, you obviously suck at life. Luckily, I got invited to a rather big party, but then the person decided that he wasn't going to have it (DEVON). But um. yah.

I usually go around with my dad/brother and just hang out around my neighborhood. Occasionally I run into a pack of friends and go around with them as well. I don't know what it is, but when you're walking around in a cold costume/cold clothes without a costume, and you're with your friends/family, even in the freezing cold, there's a sort of warmth inside you. And for me, it only comes out in Halloween. Which is weird.

Also, the end product of eating lots of candy and sorting it out and trading and buying and eating and puking and trading and eating and the whole process over and over again, is also very satisfying. It's sort of like a whole trade-y friend-y thing. It brings people closer but not even in a deep way, it just allows people to be more friendly to others than they would normally be. It's kind of ironic, because Halloween is supposed to scare kids and people dress up in scary costumes and stuff.

Also, check out this sweet video: Great effects for cheap!

Sorry this blog was so short, I was bored today and I didn't want to give up on this Halloween post.

Yours a spookily long forever,


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